Today, we are talking about cheap bikepacking bags that you can buy online today. For me it is important that just because these bags are cheap. They must be quality and waterproof. To withstand the test of time and wear out there on the trails.
As bikepacking becomes more and more popular, larger companies are now mass producing bike bags. So now you have other options, instead of buying handmade bags and paying the large prices.
Our main focus is bike bags that are appropriate for someone who wants to save some money and is maybe just getting into bikepacking and does not want to spend a whole lot.
It is important to take note that all these bags mentioned below. May not be as good a quality as brands like Apidura and Ortlieb. These are entry level bags and entry level prices. If you are looking for excellent quality that will last for years and years these bags may not be suited to you.
*If you want to buy any of these bikepacking bags, doing it via the Amazon links give Cycle Travel Overload a small commission which goes into creating more great resources for the bike travel community.
Below I have compiled a list of the top 10 bikepacking bags that are inexpensive.
1. Roswheel Attack Top Tube Bag

This top tube bag as been very useful for me lately. Mounting on the top tube of your bike frame, right behind the stem. It allows for a prime location, allowing you to store snacks and other bits for quick and easy access while riding your bike.
The ROSWHEEL Attack Series Top Tube Bag (available on Amazon for $34.99.) Offers three main mounting points. Two under then base of the bag which attach to the top frame tube. And one other hook and loop strap at the front of the bag wrapping around the stem.
The straps are super wide velcro making the bag more steady and they will not bother you when you are riding.
The Bags Dimensions

The inside of the bag offers a divider which can be moved around to different storage compartment sizes. With a velcro inner wall to attach the divider.

The bag also offers a mess phone storage solution on the front top of the bag. Allowing for easy placement to slide your phone in.
This bag is also made with waterproof zips, and is claimed by Roswheel to be 100% waterproof. Just like the rest of their Attack Series bags.
2. Roswheel Attack Frame Bag

Sticking with the Roswheel Attack Series Bag theme. If the expandable Frame Bag. This bag has a zip extension design, which allows the bag to be small and then a larger size.
Product Specs
Dimension: 35.5 X 7 X 14cm / 14.0 X 2.8 X 5.5in
Expanded Dimension: 35.5 X 7 X 24cm / 14.0 X 2.8 X 9.4in
Capacity: 4L (3L + 1L)
Weight: Approx. 332g / 11.7oz
The bag has many military molle loops all around the outside of the bag. Just get some extra velcro straps. This could be great for attaching bottle cages for extra storage for water or methylated spirits.
A tip with the silica gel bags that come inside the bags. Keep them in the bag for after you have stored wet items in the bag. This will stop condensation.
I personally have a different frame bag that is a little bit more expensive then this bag. And is a similar design. That I will be talking about a bit later on in this post.

One of the cool features with bag is it offers a water reservoir tube outlet for a camelback. Allowing for a more creative water storage solution.
The bag has a decent capacity to store many different types of gear. The zippers are top notch and defiantly for the cheaper price.
The Velcro straps maybe too long for some road bike frames. And also may be to short for thick Down Tubes.
I found that these type of bags with the extension seem to just big too big that it makes it difficult to fit a normal sized water bottle in the mounting position. Only $39.99
3. Roswheel Attack Saddle Bag

Product Specs
- Capacity: 5 Kg / 10L
- Weight: 450g Bag
- Dimensions: 40cm x 14.5cm x 11.5 cm
This saddle bag seems like the go to budget friendly bikepacking saddle bag. The only problem I can see if that the bag is 10L which realistically is not that much. For very long trips. It maybe okay for a 1 or 2 day trip. But something like a 16 to 18L bag might be more appropriate.
It is marketed as a waterproof bag like the rest of the Roswheel Attack Series Bike bags. Which is definitely a plus.
The bag is fairly easy to install on your bike.
There is a lot of reflective logo on and around the bag. Some bikepackers have reported not really liking that part of the bag.
My main concern with these types of bikepacking bags is that they sway around too much.
With this bag however it seems to hold its place fairly well. You can pack quite a lot of stuff but you need to take care in how you pack the bag. If gear is lose in the bag it will sag.
Keep most of the weight towards the seat post when packing and pack ideally squishy things, and you should not have any problems.
As this bag has been tested in muddy and rainy weather, with no mudguards on the bike. The bag acted as its own guard and over some time. Accumulating mud, the damp seem to have eventually got through. Just make sure to use a mid guard and you should fine.
The rear of the bag offers the ability to attach a rear clip on tail light. It is only $49.99
4. Roswheel Attack Handlebar Bag

The last Roswheel Attack Series Bag we are going to cover in this list of budget bikepacking bags is this handlebar roll bag.
The outer bag that holds the dry bag. Has velcro attachment to the dry bag. And then clips around the dry bag.
On the concerns I have with this bag is the attachment points on the outer bag with the handlebar.
The two loop attachment designs seems very cheap and does not look like it would cope in holding heavier gear and may sag. This could be resolved with using extra velcro straps to attach the bag to the handlebars.
However the dry bag seems to be a good quality and is air tight. Offer 100$ waterproofing.
The bag also offers attachment options to clip on lights.
This bag would be ideal for storing a 2 man tent. However I like the idea of storing heavier items in this bag. And As I worry about the ability this bag has with holding such heavy loads. I am not sure if this bag is the best for that. Only $34.95

5. RockBros Saddle Bag

This RockBros Saddle bag is a little larger capacity then the previously mentioned Roswheel Attack Series Saddle Bag. Coming in at 12 to 14 L.
It is recommended that you allow 7 inches of seat post room for the bag to attach to your bike.
RockBros have done a great job over time of updating their saddlebag design. Earlier on their design was poor where the bag attaches to the seat and seat post. The bracket was not big enough to support heavy loads.
It has now been updated to allow for more strength at the base of the bag allow for a more stable design.

To prevent bag sway, the bag offers two different support pads, they call them ‘bag gaskets’. Along with tightening straps and buckles this helps to minimise the bag moving around to much when riding.

The bag has one main reflective strip that runs down the centre of the bag.
One suggests that could make this bag better. Is the sharp metal inside the bottom of the bag is exposed. Would be ideal if it was covered.
It seems the early models of this bag lack the durability and many people has issues with the attachment straps tearing at the sewing point on the bag. As mentioned they have upgraded to metal grommets which go all the way through to the inside of the bag. Resulting in a much more stable design.
Overall this bag has some issues that people explain being the plastic parts needing to be upgraded and double stitching. As some have experience the straps tearing right of the bag. It may be a good measure to try not to over tighten the straps and take care if you are over packing this bag. As it is a budget bag quality is not always guaranteed. Price $55.99
6. Moosetreks Frame Bag

This MooseTreks Frame bag, is one of the very few budget full frame bags out there on the market today.
A full frame bag has a great appeal as the obvious function to having more storage space for gear.
The bag comes in two different styles, Trail/Mountain frame geometry and Touring/Road geometry.
Each geometry style comes in a size Small, Medium and Large.
Trail/Mountain Sizes
Touring/Road Sizes
Near Custom Fit
Depending on the size of your frame, you are more then likely to get a size that will fit almost perfectly for your bike.
Specs for each Frame Type and Size
Touring/Road size Large – 14L Capacity, Weight: 404g, Fits most 60+cm road touring bike frames
Touring/Road size Medium – 12L Capacity, Weight: 372g, Fits most 54-58cm road touring bike frames
Touring/Road size Small – 6.5L Capacity, Weight: 331g, Fits most 48-52cm road touring bike frames
Trail/Mountain size Large – 8.5L Capacity, Weight: 275g
Trail/Mountain size Medium – 7L Capacity, Weight: 245g
Trail/Mountain size Small – 6L Capacity, Weight: 207g
With bags that are made to mostly fit a large range of bikes, you may not get that perfect fit. Considering the price and availability of these bags, as long as you measure your frame space, you should be fine. And saves you paying up to $200+ for a custom made bag.
The attachment straps on this bag are made extra long to fit thick frame tubes.
The bag is also double lined, but it is Not waterproof.
The sewing and construction seems very well executed, especially for the price of only $41.99 (on Amazon) Both Touring/Road and Trail/Mountain designs are all the same price.
These bags did have issues with the zippers, being not so good quality, but they have since updated to better zippers.
Has reinforcement in the bottom area of the bag, which may result in some rubbing and chafing, not proven though.
Many rider who have done their due diligence to see what size will fit their bike the best. Have said that “the medium size fits a medium Surly Troll like it’s a custom bag. Perfection! Get one before they’re gone!”
Some other great features of this bag are the rain zip covers, that do not effect the zipper from opening and closing.
Also there is a internal load stabiliser which works to keep the bag from bulging out and hitting your legs as you ride.
7. RockBros Front Handlebar Pack

For the price of this RockBros Handle bar bag bundle, you get quite a lot of bag. The large roll bag is around 14 to 15 L and the smaller rectangle accessory bag is around 5 to 6 L. Totalling around 19 to 21 L capacity.
On first impression the design and style of the handlebar bag is great, looks very modern and trendy.
I love how the small bag attaches to the top of the larger roll bag. This little bag is more suited to storing things like snacks and tools. Being easy to access while riding if you don’t completely seal the roll of the bag and just velcro it shut. While the larger bag is great for storing much larger items.
It was a little cumbersome trying to stuff this bag with a sleeping bag. $58.99
The bags dimensions

Measure the space between your drop bars before purchasing. As this is a much longer bag and may not fit in between standard road drop bars. It is more suited to flat bar bikepacking setups.
It is much more frustrating to try and figure out how to mount this bag system on your bike. As the instructions are not the most helpful. Missing out how to attach the smaller bag to the main bag.

And just trying to figure out how to fix it onto your handlebars can be a bit of a work around.
8. RhinoWalk Saddle Bag

It must be stated that this of bag of all the saddle bags I have seen with budget in consideration. Is a stealthy and nice looking bag.

This bag is 100% waterproof.
One of the main pitfalls to this specific bag is the amount of sway on off-road tracks. It seems to be fine with road cycling but once you go bumpy trails sway is expected with this bag.
As the attachment design to the seat post is not the best. A very stylish saddle bag that costs $49.99
Dimensions of this bag

9. Mossetreks Stem Bag Pouch

These stem bag pouches sold on Amazon by Moosetreks (for $26.99 each) are a very handy extra storage solution to your bikepacking setup. In comparison the Revelate Designs Feed Bag is very similar in design and is $49.00 each bag.
Can either be used as a water bottle holder or just extra space for storing other bits and bobs.
The outside of the bag offers more messing storage which is great for stuffing the odd Allen Key or Gels.
If you do use them as water bottle holders for your bike the bag is design with insulation on the inside.
If you have a shorter stem, say 60 mm you may have trouble. As the straps are to wide to attach both.
This bag is not waterproof as it doe not complete clinch closed. But this is not a deal breaker as it is just a extra bag.
Does this handlebar stem bag get in the way of steering while riding?
Not really, it seems to do just fine with both bags attached to either side of the stem with steering not effected. However if you do have both bags filled with water bottles you can expect this to alter the way the bike handles.
10. Blackburn Outpost Frame Bag

This Blackburn Frame Bag is a little bit pricer compared to the other frame bags mentioned. But I highly recommended this one.
Depending on the size bag you are looking at this bag is around ($59.99 on Amazon).
As you can see from the photo above this is the bag fitted on my Medium Frame Surly LHT. It does not quite fit completely but still close enough.
The bag has cool mesh pockets which are great for storing keys, gels and other small items.
It is built to allow for a hydration bladder tube to fit through. I found this useful for passing through cables to charge your phon that is fixed to a phone holder on the handlebars.
At the end of the day these bags are much cheaper then the quality industry leaders out there. But they may be great for that someone who is just getting into bikepacking and wants to save some money.
2 responses to “Top 10 Cheap Bikepacking Bags – Bikepacking on a Budget”
Great reviews thanks Codey, Miles Cobbett, Fairbanks Alaska
Hey Miles, thanks