Trust and Transparency Policy

Updated: 17th March 2023

Greetings, fellow adventurers! I’m Codey Orgill, your guide and companion in the realm of cycle travel. My journey began over a decade ago with a humble road bike, zip ties, and a dream to explore the corners of the globe on two wheels. From those early days of makeshift gear to the sophisticated expeditions that have since taken me through awe-inspiring terrains and cultures, my love for cycling has been the heartbeat of every adventure.

Cycle Travel Overload: More Than Just a Blog

This platform, Cycle Travel Overload, was born from a simple yet profound desire: to share the richness of the world as seen from the saddle of a bike. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of stories, tips, and insights, all aimed at inspiring and guiding you as you embark on your own two-wheeled voyages. Whether you’re seasoned in the saddle or just starting out, Cycle Travel Overload is your compass for adventure.

A Pledge to Authenticity and Integrity

In an online world where the lines between genuine advice and paid promotion often blur, I stand firm in my commitment to authenticity. My experiences, recommendations, and stories are my own, untainted by financial incentives. Here’s my promise to you:

  • Honest Sponsored Content: You won’t find posts paid for by companies here. But if you do, they will be only because I, deep down, believe they are most suited to this platform. My reviews and stories are driven by genuine experiences and a passion for sharing knowledge, not by checks and balances.
  • No Paid Links: Every link on Cycle Travel Overload is there because I believe in its value to you, not because I was compensated to place it.
  • Gifted Gear – The Ethical Approach: While I occasionally accept products for review, every opinion shared is honest and unswayed by the gift. Products make it to this site because they’re genuinely interesting or useful, not because they’re free.
  • Affiliate Links – Transparently Utilized: When I recommend products through affiliate links, it’s because I believe in their quality and utility. If you choose to purchase through these links, know that it supports Cycle Travel Overload at no extra cost to you, allowing this platform to grow and thrive.
  • Guest Posts – From Known Voices: Contributions come from trusted individuals within the cycling and adventure community, enriching our content with diverse perspectives and invaluable insights.
  • Banner Ads – With a Conscious Limit: Yes, you’ll see ads here, but they’re carefully managed to balance financial sustainability with a positive reader experience.

Our Journey Together

Your trust is the cornerstone of Cycle Travel Overload. This platform isn’t just about sharing my adventures; it’s about fostering a community of cyclists passionate about exploration. Every story, every tip, and every piece of advice is offered to help you unlock the full potential of your cycling adventures.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, let’s pedal towards new horizons, fueled by curiosity and bound by our love for the open road.

To learn more you can read about Cycle Travel Overload here, and more about me or you can contact me here!

Codey Orgill – Cycle Travel Overload